Friday, October 26, 2007

No School on Monday!

We are almost finished reading The Miracle Worker. Have you learned the sign language alphabet yet? Keep practicing those letters! Try to memorize your first and last name. Remember, signing is a form of communication just like speaking.

Here is some interesting information on Helen Keller:

Helen Keller attended Radcliffe College in 1900. She graduated cum laude in 1904. Upon graduation, she became the first deaf-blind person to graduate from college. Throughout these years, Annie Sullivan laboriously spelled books and lectures into Helen's hand. Helen went on to write eleven books and numerous articles on blindness, deafness, and social issues.

Your narrative essays will be due by the end of the week. Remember to double space your essays while typing them.

Have a great day off on Monday!

Friday, October 19, 2007

This week we will continue to work on personal narrative essays. The focus will be on writing great introductory paragraphs. Keep thinking of a story you can use for your essay. A good story is full of interesting facts and details. Remember my story about getting locked in the museum? Think of all the details I used to tell that story.

In Reading, we will finish Act 2. Do you have a favorite character in Miracle Worker? Are you similar to any of the characters? Which character do you relate best to?

Thought of the week: If the temperature had to be the same every day of the year, what would you want the temperature to be?

My answer is 80 degrees!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Next week, on Wednesday, there is an early dismissal. I hope you all enjoy your after noon off!

Friday, October 19 will be the Fall Dance from 3-5 pm. I will be chaperoning that dance, so see you there!

Thought of the week: You've probably heard the expression, "They couldn't pay me enough to do that job." What job would that be for you?

Are you watching Kid Nation? Which one of the 'classes' would you like to be? I think I'd like to be the "cooks". At least it would be warm in the kitchen!

Are you ready to write an essay? Next week we will begin writing narrative essays. Start thinking of a possible topic.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Have a great day off!!!

I hope you enjoy your day off on Monday. I know I will!

Next week we will begin reading the novel, The Miracle Worker. Hopefully, you will even learn how to sign the alphabet! Sign language was Helen Keller's only way to communicate with people.

Thought of the week: If you were in charge of changing the traditional food of Thanksgiving from turkey to something else, what would you choose?