Monday, March 17, 2008

Week of March 17

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Do you know the history of this special day?

Saint Patrick's Day is an annual feast day which celebrates Saint Patrick, one of the patron saints of Ireland, and is generally celebrated on March 17.
The day is the national holiday of Ireland. In the rest of Canada, the UK, Australia, the US and New Zealand, it is widely celebrated but is not an official holiday.
It became a feast day in the Roman Catholic Church in the early part of the 17th century. The date of the feast is occasionally moved by church authorities when March 17 falls during Holy Week.

Permission slips for the Career Fair and Naper Settlement field trips are due by Thursday. Turn those into your Homebase teacher.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Week of March 10

This week is ISAT week. Tests will be given Monday through Thursday. 7th graders will be tested in the following areas: Reading, Math, and Science. Calculators are allowed so make sure you have one with you! Also, eat a good breakfast this week to avoid hunger during the test.

In Reading, we have begun studying poetry. Our focused author this week is Robert Frost. Can you name any famous poems written by Robert Frost?

Don't forget there is no school on Friday, March 14. Do you have special plans for that day?