Thursday, December 13, 2007

Week of December 17

This is the last week before Winter Break! Are you ready for 2 weeks off?

This week in Reading, you will be selecting books for the next book report. It will be Accelerated Reader, any type of fiction. Miss Hagensee is busy putting aside a fine selection for you to decide upon.

On Friday afternoon, the seventh graders will be watching a movie. Can you guess which one that might be? Stay tuned for the answer!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Week of December 10

Thought of the week: If you could open your own retail store, what type of merchandise would you feature?

My answer, of course as many of you have already guessed, is SHOES!

We will continue studying verbs this week. Hopefully you are learning more and more about that part of speech each week.

Have you ever wondered what your life would have been like if you lived during the 1840s? The novel, Lyddie, depicts just that. Would you like to churn your own butter, 'fetch' your own dinner, and work on chores all day?

Monday, December 3, 2007

Week of December 3

This week, the advanced Reading class begins a new novel, Lyddie. It is a historical fiction selection about a girl learning to adapt to the pressures of providing for her family. Hopefully you will learn something about the working conditions in the 1800s by the end of the novel.

The Wanderer has entertained the other students with its "high seas" adventures. This week, the main character Sophie will learn to deal with living on a boat with her cousins and uncles.

Book reports begin on December 5. Be prepared to give your speech on Wednesday. Feel free to bring in your projects early if you'd like.